The Magic of IFS Consultation
Couples in distress often enter therapy holding two goals that seem mutually exclusive: to feel loved and to feel understood. Through our powerful, non-pathologizing approach, we help couples better understand themselves, their differences, and the underlying reasons for their suffering so that they can have better conversations and more choices moving forward.
All couples eventually encounter struggles in their relationship. These struggles often include problems with communication. Sometimes they include tensions between togetherness and separateness, difficulties with accepting each other’s differences, conflict over decisions, feeling misunderstood or unloved, heated fights, intimacy and sexuality concerns, frustration that the other person isn’t changing, disrespected boundaries, challenges with addictive behaviors, relationship ruptures, and betrayals.
There is in fact a way to be heard and respected, and to not always agree. We can help.
As couples therapists, we pay careful attention to the repetitive conflict patterns that keep people from connecting and understanding each other. We support couples in understanding and healing wounds underlying those patterns and staying regulated and connected while having difficult conversations.