Jessica Sorci, LMFT, PMH-C
Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist & Approved Consultant
Founding Director and Clinical Operations
About Jessica
Relationships have the power to heal and transform lives. Psychotherapy is a uniquely intimate and powerful relationship designed to peek into our very core, and introduce us to parts of ourselves we haven't had the courage or the capacity to know before. By bringing awareness and compassion to the dark corners, we come to know and trust ourselves. Our old shameful, scary burdens release - and we naturally shift into more openness and clarity. I have so much confidence in the elegance of our inner systems and their innate ability to heal, and I love using Internal Family Systems as a model for supporting people into trusting themselves.
The reproductive phase of life brings us into startling contact with our vulnerability. I'm passionate about supporting people on the path to family building and parenthood and through the emotional wilderness of all that we encounter there. Like many of my clients, I'm a working mom, finding my way as I go, struggling and cherishing, triumphing and feeling overwhelmed at times. I continue to expand and challenge my own mind, body and spirit through my personal work, play and exploration which is vital to my ability to work effectively with others in a healing capacity.
I am a Certified IFS (Internal Family Systems) Therapist and Approved Consultant as well as a Certified Perinatal Mental Health Therapist (PMH-C) with advanced training in Intimacy From the Inside Out (working with couples using IFS). I have training in Brainspotting, mindfulness, neurofeedback and neuroscience, with particular interest in creative expression, spirituality, blended families, unloved daughters, pre and perinatal psychology, coupledom, and parenthood. I facilitate a variety of unique groups and offerings on the subjects of belonging, motherhood and IFS. I am also a Founding Director of Family Tree Wellness, where I focus much of my energy on cultivating a supportive environment for training and healing therapists so that we can in turn extend healing to the larger world.
I received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California at Los Angeles and a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University. LMFT #53881
*If you would like to book clinical consultation time with Jessica Sorci, IFSI Approved Clinical Consultant, for the purpose of IFS certification or pertaining to maternal mental health, please do so through the following link. This link is not intended for new or ongoing clients, only clinical consultation. Fee is $225 per hour.